Anyway... it will be the first place to premier the new FGH tracks this coming monday so go there and add us...
Also get yourself down to Kings Cross water rats on 31st to watch us support the awesome prog-metaltastic 'Kyrbgrinder' We will be airing at least one brand new song if not two! Thats worth the entry price alone me thinks?
One final thing, We will be appearing live in studio on this coming monday to promote said show. We will also be talking about our new recordings as well as playing them, thats something not to miss!!!
ONE MORE FINAL THING (i lied the first time!) We are on the cover mount of this months 'CLASSIC ROCK PRESENTS: PROG' there is an hours worth of new music on the CD which is worth the price alone but to add salt to the chips ELP are on the front cover... Now thats a deal maker no?
Support this great mag and pick up your copy available at all good newsagents nationwide!!
All the best,
Mikey FGH