Hello all,
Just a quick thought I had today. I am quite excited about the prospect of iCloud and can't wait to make use of having my music wherever I want whenever I want without having to worry that my external HD doesn't blow up. Further to that I am quite happy to pay for the privilege.
But I did have a thought. whilst a lot of my music might get lost in time, or perhaps simply go out of fashion. There is also a lot of music by classic artists that one assumes future generations will still want to listen to. Your Black Sabbath's, U2's, Lynyrd Skynyrd's, The Beatles among countless others, will always have appeal because they make genre defining music. Classic sounds that don't get old.
In the past vinyl's and even CD's will have been passed down in the family ( i know that i have a few of my families old vinyl's in the collection, this isn't really feasible with password protected encrypted iTunes accounts that will die with me. Even if I was to back up the music on a hard drive? Do i really expect that drive to have a 20/30 year life? No. I don't even expect it to outlast my life time. I could back them all on to CD. But then with the added cost and time consumption i might as well just buy CD's from now on which completely misses the point the ease digital music allows us.
I suppose that those big marquee artists will be making money for their labels for a long time coming. As far as i can see it's 1 nil to the record labels. Again.
What do you think? Do you think that your children/grandchildren will be missing out by not having your old records. CD's and tapes? Be cool to hear your thoughts on this or any stories about vintage music you 'came in to'.