20 Sept 2011

'FPOA' Update

And here lands the very first demo for new project 'Five Points of Articulation'. We are a two piece, and the other member is my long time collaborator and FGH front-man 'Adam Ever'.

Hope you enjoy this first demo. Take it for what it is. It will probably change in places and undergo a few more re-writes but it is complete in it's feel and vibe. and it will certainly give you a clear indication of our current direction. I like to think of it as a 'post-rock film score'.

Let me know what you think and feel free to follow us and share the track with your friends.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fivepointsofarticulation
Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/FPOAofficial
YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/FPOAofficial
Soundcloud:  http://www.soundcloud.com/FPOAofficial

14 Sept 2011

From Great Height - Disciple

Here is the trailer for FGH's forthcoming EP 'Disciple'. It's going to be a 5-track(er), so a decent sized EP.

We start recording this Thursday. Head on over to www.fromgreatheight.com for more info, news and videos.
